RBI начинает первый пилотный проект по использованию цифровой рупии в розничной торговле 13 Индийские города с 8 банки

India’s central bank, Резервный банк Индии (РБИ), is launching its first retail digital rupee pilot on Dec. 1 with the participation of eight banks. The pilot will start in four cities and then expand to cover nine more cities

Политический карикатурист обвиняет платформы NFT Opensea, Редко быть «инструментом политической цензуры»

While non-fungibe token (NFT) collectibles have been very popular, NFTs have brought a slew of unique debates to the table and one of them has been censorship. The artist behind Stonetoss Comics, a series of political cartoons, has been censored by